
About BeonRG Company

We are Solutions driven company with a focus on Business process automation and core systems integration. we provide custome software solutions as well and consultancy for all your IT needs.


54 State Street, Ste 804 #7451, Albany NY 12207, US

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Custom Software Development

Empower Your Business with Custom Software Development.



In today's dynamic business landscape, custom software development has become an indispensable tool for organizations seeking to gain a competitive edge. By harnessing the power of tailored software solutions, businesses can streamline operations, enhance productivity, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

    Our Custom Software Development Process

  • Discovery and Analysis: We begin by thoroughly understanding your business objectives, challenges, and target audience.
  • Requirements Gathering: We work closely with you to gather detailed requirements, ensuring that the software aligns with your specific needs.
  • Design and Prototyping: Our designers and developers create prototypes to visualize the software's functionality and user interface.
  • Development and Testing: We employ rigorous development and testing methodologies to ensure the software meets your expectations.
  • Deployment and Maintenance: We seamlessly deploy the software and provide ongoing maintenance and support.

Cross Platforms Development

check Windows

Native Desktop and Web-Based solutions that can run locally or in to cloud

check MacOS

We build Native Software that runs on all versions of MacOS.

check iOS

We have native mobile and Hybrid apps that will run across all your iOS devices.

check Android

Native and Hybrid app that run smeemelessly on Android devices.


The Challange

Great news! Cross-platform compatibility is an important factor for many software users, as it allows them to run the same software on all of their devices. This can be especially important for businesses, which often have employees using a variety of operating systems.

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